Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Freya-Cultural References Post 3

There are many cultural references to the Norse goddess Freya but here are just a few.
1.Witches of East End, a literature piece by Melissa de la Cruz is about immortal witches that are actually Norse gods, including the goddess Freya, Loki and Balder. 
2. The Swedish Symphonic metal band Therion based many of its lyrics on Norse mythology, including the whole 2001 concept album Secret of the Runes.
3.In the Comic series History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi, the protagonists fight against a gang organization known as Ragnarok. Each of the Eight Fists were nicknamed after a figure in Norse mythology including; Berserker, Freya, Loki, Thor, Siegfried, Hermit, Valkyrie, and their leader Odin.

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